Import Data: Parts, Units, Customers, and Vendors

Import Data: Parts, Units, Customers, and Vendors

Parts, units, customers, and vendors can be imported into your FleetSquared system using Excel spreadsheets.  Using our downloadable templates, you can insert existing data from other repair systems into FleetSquared. Each of the import screens has similar functionality.  You need to download an Excel spreadsheet template file, enter your records in the template file, then upload the file.

Note:  Any template column headings marked in bold text are required fields.  All other fields are optional and can be left blank. 

Part Master Imports

 The following import tabs are available on the Part Master screen (Menu path:  Parts → Part Master):

  1. Import Parts (list of part numbers)
  1. Import Parts On Hands (quantity of parts in inventory)
  1. Import Parts Location Details (part warehouse storage location)

Unit Master Imports

From the Unit Master (Fleet → Unit Master):

  1. Import Equipment Units

Administration Imports (Customers and Vendors)

 From Administration:

  1. Import Customers (Administration → Customer)

  1. Import Vendors (Administration → Vendors)

Import Parts Example

As mentioned above, the import process is nearly the same for each import.  We'll demonstrate a part master import as an example.

  1. Open the Parts menu and select Part Master.

  2. Open the Import Parts tab.

  3. Click on Download Template. 

  4. Your web browser will download or prompt you to download the template file.  In Google Chrome, for example, the download file is displayed in a download bar at the bottom of the browser. 

  5. If you use a Windows 10 computer, the file will typically be saved to the Downloads folder under Quick Access in Windows Explorer.

  6. Open the template file using Microsoft Excel and click on Enable Editing.

  7. Columns with bold headings are required to add new records.

  8. Enter your data into the file and save.

  9. Back on the Import Parts screen, click Choose File.

  10. Browse to the folder when your import file is located, select it, and click Open.

  11. Click Import next to the file name.

  12. A pop-up window will advise you that the import process has begun.  Click OK.

  13. The import status is displayed on the screen.  Click Refresh to re-check the status.  Large files may take several minutes to complete.  The summary will also show you the number of records imported and the number of records with errors.

  14. If you experience import errors, detailed error messages will be displayed in the bottom pane under Import Data Errors and Import File Errors.
    Common causes of import errors include:

    1. Required fields left blank (the error message will contain the phrase "cannot insert NULL into. . . "). To resolve this error, fill in all required fields and re-upload.

    2. Invalid special characters. FleetSquared can only import data containing alphanumeric characters and English language standard keyboard characters.  For example, an ampersand (&) can be entered in the part description field, but the degree symbol (°) will cause an import error.

    3. Invalid data (i.e. alphabetic characters entered in a part price field or an incorrect date format).

    4. Value too large for column. Some values, such as a product group code, have a maximum length of 12 characters, for example.  Look in the error message for the maximum size:  "ORA-12899: value too large for column "PERFIT"."CD_CONVERSION_ITEM_MASTERS"."PROGRO_CODE" (actual: 13, maximum: 12)"

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